MANUAL DE CINE INDIE – a book about a crazy bad indie film

A few years ago I worked on the worst film set you could ever imagine. It was so terrible, so full of wacky characters making the worst possible decisions, that I thought it would be the perfect way to teach first timers the classic mistakes we all make when we are starting out.
Its a fun trip to the bowels of indie cinema and Im so proud to have had such great reviews.

I even made a trailer for it HERE.
And you can find it in book stores all across Spain (only in Spanish for now) or directly on Amazon.

Also also, sometimes I go all in and direct my own films.

(…) the gotcha ending of Ezequiel Romero’s short film, Moon Dust, tips over into the awesome category.

Annalee NewitzIO9

Nova is a successful and unsettling tale (…) a groundbreaking project.

Almudena BonetSundance TV